Friday, June 29, 2012

Software Components

Operating systems software:
The operating system is a special type of program that loads
automatically when you start your computer.

The operating system allows you to use the advanced features of
a modern computer without having to learn all the details of how
the hardware works

The link between the hardware and you, the user

Makes the computer easy to use without having to understand bits
and bytes!

Applications software:
An application program is the type of program that
you use once the operating system has been loaded.

Examples include word-processing programs,
spreadsheets and databases.

 Word processing applications
  • Microsoft Word
  • Lotus Word Pro

  • WordPerfect
  • Microsoft Excel

  • Lotus 123

  • Microsoft Access  

  • Lotus Approach

  • Sage software
Presentation tools
  • Microsoft PowerPoint

  • Lotus Freelance
Desktop publishing
  • Abode Photoshop

Multimedia applications
  • Microsoft's Encarta CD-ROM based encyclopaedias


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