Friday, June 29, 2012

MS Word (10 Days) Course

Microsoft Word is a word processing software which is used in office, home, press etc.
Documents are saved with *.docx/doc.

How to load Word 2007
Go to “Start=>Programs=>Microsoft Office => Microsoft Word 2007.”  OR “Start =>Run” type winword and press ok.

Keyboard Navigation
There is “Quick Access toolbar” which is beside the Office button.  You can customize your frequently used buttons into this by rt clicking on the Icon and selecting “Add to Quick Access Toolbar”.

Press F6 repeatedly to get the “Char” displayed on the icons.  Which ever char you press, you get that icon for use.  Then press enter.  Alternately you can also use “Tab” repeatedly to navigate to the necessary option in the ribbon.

If you desire to deactivate the Ribbon use rt click on any part of the ribbon and select “Minimize ribbon”.

 Create new blank document
Click “Office Button =>New=>create “

Save document file
Click “Office Button=>Save” OR Ctrl + S.  Type the name in the text box and click OK.
You can save it in different formats like 2003 compliant with .doc, web page, XML page, txt file etc.
You can also use “Save As” option for copying the same file.  OR “F12”.

Using File Dialog Box
To go to the preview folder use Alt +1.
To go up by one level use Alt + 2.
To create a new folder in the current directory use Alt + $.

Give Security password for the docs.
Click “Office Button=>Save/Save As=>Tools=>General Options”
Type the file name in the text box.  Type the password when the general options prompt with window.

Print a doc
Click “Office button=>print/print preview”.

To Close your document
Click “Office button=>close” OR Alt +  F4.                   

To copy your document
Click “Home=>copy Icon” OR Ctrl+C.

To cut your document
Click “Home tab=>cut Icon” OR Ctrl + X.

To paste your document
Click “Home tab=>paste Icon” OR Ctrl +V.

Create Cover Page
Click  Insert Menu and from the Pages tab select “Cover Page” icon and select a style.  Write the details in the place where its written “Text” by clicking in the place.

Inserting Blank Page
Click Insert Menu and from Pages tab select “Blank Page”.

Inserting Page Break
Click Insert Menu and from Pages tab select “Page Break” icon OR use “Ctrl+Enter”.

Ø Page Setting  and editing

Undo and redo the changes
Use “Ctrl + Z” to undo the changes done. Use “Ctrl + Y” to redo the changes done.

Ø Formatting Text  and Alignment

Change font Style
Click “Home Tab=>font”, select from the drop down list the font you desire ex : Arial, Calibri etc.
You can click on the home tab and select any of the Bold (Ctrl +B), Italic (Ctrl +I), Underline (Ctrl+U), Subscript(Ctrl+ “+”), Superscript (Ctrl + Shift + “ + “). 

Press “Ctrl + D” OR Press the small arrow mark at the rt lower end of the tab to see the complete list of formatting like shadow, emboss, etc.  A small display area is also provided to see the affects you cause to the characters.

Change font/background Color
Click “Home tab=>Font Icon”A” and set the color.  For background or highlight use the “ab” labeled icon beside it.

Change font Size
Click “Home Tab=>font”, select the desired size from the drop down list.  You can also use the “small A” to reduse or “Big A” to increase.  Alternately you can also use “Ctrl +[“  to reduce the font size and “Ctrl +]” to increase the font size.   You can also use “Ctrl + Shift + <” for reducing the font and “Ctrl + Shift + >” for increasing the font size.

Change spacing of the Font
Click “Home tab=>arrow on the rt lower corner=>select character spacing” set the desired space manually in the button provided or select one of the option from the drop down menu.

Alignment of the text
Select the desired text or place the cursor on the para which has to be aligned.
Press “Home tab =>Paragraph” and select from the icon representation. 
You can use Ctrl+L for left align, Ctrl + R for right align, Ctrl + E for Centre alignment, Ctrl + J for justified.

Line Spacing
Click “home tab=>paragraph=>select the icon with opposite up and down arrow”  Select from the available options of the list.  You can even use Ctrl+1 for one line, Ctrl+2 for double line, and Ctrl +5 for 1.5 line spacing.

You can even add space before/after every paragraph you selected.

Ø Bullet and Numbering, Border and Shading

Click “Home tab=>paragraph=>select bullets icon”.   You can select an option from the available bullets.
You can also press “Define Own Bullet” for defining own bullets as Picture, Symbol or font.
You can also rt click the mouse and select “bullets” and select the style of bullets.

Click “Home tab=>paragraph=>select numbering icon”.  You can select an option from the available number formats.  You can also press “Define Own Bullet” for defining own number format, alignment.
You can also rt click the mouse and select “Numbering” and select the style of numbers format.

Click “Home tab=>paragraph=>select the list style icon”.  You can select an option from the available list style.

Ø Change Case, Auto Text, Auto Correct, Column Text

Change Text Case
Click “Home Tab =>Font => Aa Button”.  For changing the selected text to uppercase, lowercase, toggle case etc.
Use “Alt+O+E" for changing the case to upper case chars, to Title Case, to Lower case, to Capitalize each word, Toggle case.

Auto Correct
Used  to correct typos and misspelled words.
To  insert symbols and other pieces of text.
You can modify the list that AutoCorrect uses by default. 
Text included in hyperlinks is not automatically corrected.

Using AutoCorrect List Entries
Click “Office Button=>Word Options(at bottom)=>Proofing=>Auto Correct Options=>Auto Correct Tab”.
Add Entry : Enter the text in “Replace” and new text in “With” text box. Click OK.
Replace Entry : Enter few chars in “Replace” and select the entry and click “Replace” button.
Delete Entry : Enter few chars in “Replace” and select the entry and click “Delete” button.

Using Math AutoCorrect
Click “Office Button=>Word Options(at bottom)=>Proofing=>Auto Correct Options=>Math Auto Correct Tab”.
Add Entry : Enter the text in “Replace” and new text in “With” text box. Click OK.
Replace Entry : Enter few chars in “Replace” and select the entry and click “Replace” button.
Delete Entry : Enter few chars in “Replace” and select the entry and click “Delete” button.

Auto Text
Click “Office Button=>Word Options(at bottom)=>Proofing=>Auto Correct Options=>Auto Format As you Type”.
Check the concerned check box to apply and press OK.

Replace as you type
Replace Straight quotes with smart quotes (“”), fractions with symbols(1/2), ordinals (1st), Hyphens(--), Hyperlinks.

Apply as you type
Automatically apply bulleted lists, number lists, tables, borders etc as you type.

Automatically as you type
Apply styles of the previous sections automatically as you type.

Auto Correct

Auto correct is allows you to check the spellings and grammar mistakes in the text you type.  All the words you add/delete get effected in the main dictionary.  The main dictionary remains the same for all the office programs.

To start Autocorrect/Spelling & Grammar click “Review=>Proofing” and select the “Spelling & Grammar” icon.  You can also use  F7 on keyboard.

Checking Spelling & Grammar/Auto Correct
The upper text area highlights the word which is not available in the dictionary.
The lower text area gives the suggestions for the given word.

Click “Ignore” to leave the word unchanged and click  “Ignore All” for ignoring all the appearances of the word in the entire file.
Click “Add to Dictionary” to include the given word as a new word to the dictionary.
Click “Change” to change the word for this time only.
Click “Change All” to change the word for all the occurrences in the entire file.
Click “Auto Correct” to correct with the suggested correction.

 Configuring Spelling Checker
Enable AutoCorrect to use the main dictionary that the spelling checker uses :
To enable the autocorrect feature to use the main dictionary use this.

Click “Office Button=>word options=>Proofing=>AutoCorrect” and check the box “Automatically use suggestions from the spelling checker”

Specify an AutoCorrect exception manually
To enable the autocorrect to overlook certain words like Company Name, Location name etc which is not available in the dictionary, set the exceptions manually so that the dictionary overlooks these words.

Click “Office Button=>word options=>Proofing=>AutoCorrect=>Exception=>Other Corrections” and type the miss spelt word in the “Don’t Correct” box and click “Add” and OK.

Specify an exception automatically when you undo an AutoCorrect change

If AutoCorrect makes an unwanted correction when you are editing a document, you can undo it by pressing CTRL+Z. You can also set up your program so that it automatically adds the word to the Exceptions list when you undo an AutoCorrect change. After you do this, AutoCorrect stops changing that word.

Click “Office Button=>word options=>Proofing=>AutoCorrect=>Exception=>Other Corrections” and select “Automatically add words to list” check box.

Ø Indentation, Header and Footer, Table                       

Increase/Decrease Indent
Click “home tab=>paragraph=> select either lt or rt indent icon.” Use Shift+Ctrl+M for left indent and Use Ctrl+M for right indent.

Creating Headers/Footers
Click “Insert tab=>Header” for creating Header and select a style from the options. You can also remove Header from the same options.
You can also go to Edit Mode by pressing “edit Header” in the options.  OR use Alt+V+H to toggle on/off.

Click “Insert tab=>Footer” for creating Footer and select a style from the options.  You can also remove Footer from the same options.
You can also go to Edit Mode by pressing “edit Footer” in the options.  OR use Alt+V+H to toggle on/off.

Creating Tables
Click “Insert=>Table”. 
(a)          You can select the no of columns and rows from the boxes by dragging on them.
(b)         You can select “Insert Table” options and type the no of columns and rows in the text fields.
(c)          You can select “Draw Table” to literally draw the table with the mouse buttons.
Once you have selected to draw a table, draw a part of it and place the cursor/select the cells and Click “Design” tab and under the “Draw borders” tab you have all the editing options like changing the Pen color, Line weight, Draw table, and Eraser icons to work with.

You can also select “Quick Table” option to insert from the given templates.
You can also insert an excel sheet by selecting “Excel Spreadsheet”.

Editing Tables
All the tasks for table can be also accomplished with the Rt Click of the mouse after placing the cursor on the cells.
Select or place the cursor on the table and Select “Design tab”.

   Selecting Table/Cells/Columns/Rows
You can use normal blocking with shift and arrow keys OR After placing the cursor in the table Click “Layout” button and press “Select” pull down menu to select the Cell/Row/Column/Table.

Check appropriate check box for Create Header Row, First Column, Total Row, Last Column, Banded Rows, Banded Columns etc

Select the appropriate style from the “Table Styles” pull down tab.

Select “Borders” pull down menu for selecting the concerned border for lt, rt, centre, top, bottom, diagonal etc.
Select “Borders” and select “borders and shading” for selecting the border line weight and line color.

Select “shading” pull down for selecting the shading for the columns selected with “theme colors, standard colors, select new color by pressing “More Colors” and deselect by pressing “No Color”.

Text Alignment with Table
Select the cells/place cursor and click “Layout” Tab and from Table pane select “properties”.  On the “Table” pane you have the options to :-
Align Table: Align table with specific left indent/Align Centre/Align/Left/Align Right.
Wrap Text:  Around the table or select “none” if you don’t want any wrapping.

Delete Columns/Rows/Cells/Table
Select the desired cells/rows/columns/table and Click “Layout=>Rows & Columns” and select Delete option.
OR you can select cells and press “Alt+A+D+E”

Insert Columns/Rows/Cells/Table
Select the desired cells/rows/columns/table and Click “Layout=>Rows & Columns” and select desired icon for inserting cells/rows/columns/table.

Split/Merge Cells
Select the desired cells/rows/columns/table and Click “Layout=>Merge”. 
For Merging Cells use “Merge Cells” OR “Alt+A+M”
For Splitting Cells use “Split Cells” OR “Alt + A + P”
For Splitting Table use “Split Table”.

Setting Size for Cells
Select the desired cells/rows/columns/table and click “Layout=>Cell Size”.
Select  “Distribute rows” icon for distributing equally among the selected cells.
Select  “Distribute columns” icon for distributing equally among the selected cells.
Select “Autofit” icon for fixing the contents to window/cell/contents.
Increase/Decrease the size of the cell independently by clicking points for cell height and width.

Text Alignment within Cells
Select the cells and Press “Layout=>Alignment tab”.

You can select the needed icon to align the contents of the cell Left Center/Top/Bottom, Right Center/Top/Bottm, Middle Center/Top/Bottom.

You can click the Text Direction button repeatedly to change the direction of the text within the cell.

Cell margins, spacing can set by clicking the “margins” icon on the Alignment tab.

Sorting Alphabetically/Numerically in Cells
Select the cells and Press “Layout=>Data  tab” and select the sorting Icon after selecting the cells of the table.

Converting Table to Text/Text to Table
Select the text you want to convert to Table and Click “Insert=>Convert text to table”.
Select the table to convert to text and click “Layout=>data” and select “convert to text” option.
Specify the separators for paragraph, page etc.

Ø Picture, Word Art, Drawing Toolbar, Auto Shape


To Insert picture from a file
Place the cursor where you want to place the picture
Click “Insert – Illustrations “ and select “Picture” icon.  Browse from the file dialog box and click ok.

To Insert picture from a Web Page
Ensure that the picture you want to insert from web Is not a link, and drag the picture from the web and place it in the word document.
If the picture in the web, which you want to copy is a link, place the cursor on the picture and rt click and select copy.  Place the cursor in the word and click paste with rt click again.

Formatting a picture in word

ü Insert Caption:   Rt click on the picture and select “Insert Caption”.
ü Brightness : select the picture, Go to format menu, Adjust tab and select Brightness icon.  Select option.
ü Contrast: Select the picture, Go to format menu, Adjust tab and select Contrast icon. Select Option.
ü Recolor:  Select the picture, Go to format menu, Adjust tab and select Recolor icon. Select Option.
ü Change picture : Select the picture, Go to format menu, Adjust tab and select change Picture icon. Browse for the new
ü Reset Picture:  At any point of time if you decide to go to the original settings of the picture, go to format menu, Adjust tab and select “Reset Picture” icon.
ü Change Picture Style: Go to Format Menu and select “Picture styles” tab and pull down the menu for options of styles of pictures.
ü Set Borders for Picture:   Go to Format Menu, Picture Styles tab and select “Picture Border” and choose one of the options for the border colors, styles, and weight of the border line.
ü Set Picture Effects:  Go to Format Menu, Picture Styles tab and select “Picture Effects”.  You have Presets, Shadow, Reflection, Glow, Soft Edges, Bevel and 3D Rotation.
ü Set Position of Picture within Text  Select Format Menu, Arrange tab and click on the “Position” icon for placing the picture as given in the options.
ü Rotate Picture  Select Format Menu, Arrange tab and click on the two triangles icon.  Select the angle for rotation.
ü Text Wrapping  Select Format Menu, Arrange tab and click on the “Text Wrapping” icon to wrap the text.
ü Setting Size of Picture  Select Format Menu, Size tab and select “Crop” icon and drag the borders to set.


Select Insert Menu and from “Illustrations tab” select “Clip Art” icon.  Select from the given options the one you need to insert.


Select Inset menu and from “Illustrations tab select “Shapes”. 
All the shapes are categorized into Lines, Basic Shapes, Block Arrow, Flow charts, Callouts, Stars and Banners.
Recently used shapes are aligned on the top of all the choices.
Select the shape you desire and drag and place in the document.
ü Change Shape:
If you desire to change the shape at any point and to select another shape, select the one you need from the Format Menu and “Insert shapes” tab.

ü Shape Style:
Select Format Menu and select “Shape Styles”.  Pull down the menu for options and select one.

ü Shape Shadow effects(Shadow Style & Color):
Select Format menu, Shadow Effects tab and select Shadow Effects icon.  You can select one of the styles available.  For shadow color select “shadow color” from the options.

ü Shape 3-D effects:
Select Format menu, 3-D Effects tab and select “3D Effects” icon  and select one of the options of 3-D effects.
For Setting color select the Color option in the drop down list. (Color palette)
For Setting Depth select the Depth option in the drop down list. (In points)
For Direction select the Direction option in the drop down list. (direction of shadow)
For lighting select the Lighting option in the drop down list. (direction of light)
For Surface select the Surface option in the drop down list. (matte, plastic, metal, wire frame)

ü Shape Rotation:
To rotate the shape select it, click “Format – 3-D Effects” and select the icon in which direction you need to rotate and click repeatedly.

ü Shape Position:
To position the shape in the document Select Format  and from the Arrange tab select the icon “Position” and click on one of the options available.

ü Wrapping Text:
To wrap text along the shape click Format – Arrange tab – Text Wrapping icon and select one of the options.

ü Bring shape into front/back:
To take the shape in front/back of the text Select “Bring to Front” or “Send to Back” icons from the Arrange tab in the Format Menu.

ü Rotate Shape:
Click Format – Arrange Tab – select the icon with two triangles, and click on it for selecting the angle.


vPlace the cursor on the document and Click “Insert” menu and select SmartArt icon from the Illustrations tab.
vSelect the shape you need from the list of options of  List, Hierarchy, Cycle, Relationships, Process, Matrix and Paramid.
vIcons are placed in one pane and the other contains the text pane.
vIf you don’t see the text pane click the “left/right” button on the left centre edge of the graphic.
vHeading and labels can be typed in the text pane where “text” is written.
vIf you increase the headings and labels the graphics also will be modified accordingly.
vWhile selecting you can choose a single graphic item or multiple items for changing/editing. Use shift key and mouse.

ü Adding more Shapes:
From the Design menu select “Add Shape” from the “create Graphic” tab. Add after or before the present graphic icon.

ü Demote/Promote Shapes :
Select the label to make it heading and click Design – Create Graphic – Promote.
Select the label to make it heading and click Design – Create Graphic – Demote.

ü Move Graphic icon Left/Right :
Select the label to move, Click Design – Create Graphic  - “Right to Left”/Left to Right.

ü View Text Pane :
Select Design – Create Graphic – Text Pane.  You can see the connected text pane of the graphic object.

ü Select a Layout :
At any point of time you can select another layout by clicking “Design – Layouts” and select the one you need from the pull down menu options.  The text and Heading fields will adjust accordingly.

ü Change Colors of the Graphic shape:
Select “Design  and from the Smart Art Styles select the “Change Colors” icon.  Select the color you need from the option.

ü Change Style of the select Graphic:
Select Design – Smart Art Styles” select the 3D design you need from the drop down menu options.

ü Reset to Original Settings :
Select Design –  Reset, and press the icon “Reset Graphic”.   All the settings are done to original object.

ü Resize Single/More Graphic  :
Select Format – Shapes and press on  “Larger” icon to make the selected single/more Graphic items bigger.
Select Format – Shapes and press on  “Smaller” icon to make the selected single/more Graphic items smaller.

ü Graphic Styles/Fill/Outline/3D  :
Select “Format – Shape Styles – Pull down the menu for styles and select one.
Select “Format – Shape Styles – Shape Fill” for filling the select Graphic Object. You have pictures, textures etc.
Select “Format – shape styles – Shape Effects” for 3D graphic objects. You have Presets, Shadow, Reflection, Glow, Soft Edges, 3D rotation.
Select “Format – shape styles – Shape Outline” for border outlines.  You have colors of lines, weight and styles.

ü WordArt/Text styles for Graphic items  :
Select Format – WordArt Styles – and pull down the menu for different word styles and select one.
Select Format – Word Art Styles – Text Fill” for filling the words with colors, picture, gradient, texture.
Select Format – Word Art Styles – Text Outline” for Text outline color, weight, and styles of dashes.
Select Format – Word Art Styles – Text Effects” for Text shadow, reflection, 3D effects, Glow, and different shapes of text to appear on the graphic object.

ü Positioning with text/wrapping with text and rotating the text :
Select the object and click Format menu and in Arrange tab select “Bring to Front” option to bring the object into front of the text.
Select the object and click format menu and in Arrange tab select “Sent to Back” option to send the object behind the text.
Select the object and click format menu and in Arrange tab select “position” to position the object within the provided space.
Select Format menu, in the Arrange tab select “Text Wrapping” option to wrap the text up/down/top/below etc.
Select Format menu, in the Arrange tab select  “Rotate” option to rotate the object and select an angle for rotation.


Place the cursor in the document and click Insert Menu and under illustrations tab click on the “Chart” icon.  Select from the given option for the type of chart to be placed.

You will be promted with the sample data from MS Excel sheet.  You can fill the real data into cells as required.  If you wish to increase columns or rows just hold the right lower corner of the data sheet border and drag.

As you fill the data into the cells and press enter.  The chart graph will be automatically incorporated with data.

For Designing, changing layout and format you have three menus.  Click on the chart item and you can see the following Menus.

(a)   DESIGN.
       For doing the following select the graphic image first.

ü Changing Chart:  click on the “Change Chart Type” icon in the Type tab.  From the listed out options click the one you need.
ü Save Chart as Template:  Click on the “Save As Template” Icon in the Type tab.  You will be prompted with a file dialog box to save the template.  Give a name and save it.
ü Switching Rows/Columns: Click on the “Switch Row/Column” icon to change rows into columns or vise versa.  If the option is not available in the graphic format the option is deactivated.
ü Selecting Data from Excel: Click on the Select Data icon in the Data tab.  You can select the data rows, edit them or add additional rows or colomns and edit the data as required.
ü Editing Data of Excel: click on the Edit Data icon in the Data tab.  You are prompted with the cells in the data sheet for editing.  The graph is updated as you edit the cells.  Select the Refresh Data icon from Data tab if you cut and paste some data from other sources.
ü Selecting Layout:  Click on the Chart layouts tab pull down menu and select the one you need.
ü Selecting Styles :  Click on the Chart Styles pull down menu for the options of styles and select one from it.

ü Formatting Individual Graphic Item:  Select the item first and select an object from the pull down menu which is under the tab “Current Selection”,  like floor, chart area, plot area etc.  Then click on the Format Selection icon from the “current Selection” tab.  Do the modifications as needed.
ü Revert back to original settings:  Select the “Reset to Match Style” button in the Current Selection tab.  All formats are set to the original settings of windows.
ü Inserting Picture, shape, Text box into Chart:  To insert a picture select Picture icon from the Insert tab, you will be prompted with a file dialog box.  Browse from folders and select the one you need.  To insert a shape click on the Shapes icon in the Insert tab and select a item from the options and drag on the place you want to put it.  For Drawing a text box select the Draw Text Box icon from the Insert tab and click on the area you want to place the text by dragging.  And write in the box.
ü Inserting Title:  Click on the Chart Title pull down icon in the Labels tab.  Select the option for positioning the title on the graph item.  Select and change the title text.
ü Inserting Axis titles:  Click on the Axis Titles pull down icon in the Labels tab.  Select the Horizontal axis, Vertical Axis or Depth Axis title.  X, Y or Depth of graphic item.
ü Inserting Legends:  Click on the Legend icon from the labels.  Select the legend position from the given options and set the legends. Rep of data.
ü Inserting Labels in the Graph:  Click on the Data labels icon from the Labels tab. And edit in the box provided.
ü Inserting Data Tables: If you wish to provide the data on the chart, click on the Data Table pull down menu from the Labels tab and select the option available.  If you desire to edit data you have to go to Data tab in Design menu only.
ü Trend lines and analysis:  For showing the trends and change points select the icon needed from the analysis tab and select the options.


ü Select Individual Shape Styles:  Select Shape Styles pull down menu and select one of the styles of the graphic item.  To fill the selected shape use the Fill icon in the shape styles tab.  And select from the colors, texture etc.  To change the border color of the shape select the border icon from the shape styles tab.  Select the color, its weight, and style.  If you desire to give 3D effects to the shape select the 3D icon and select the styles, shapes, lights, etc.

ü Changing the Text for the shapes:  Select “WordArt Styles” tab and select the icon for “Text colors”.    You can fill the text with colors, gradients, texture and picture.  For changing the border line select the “Line Color” icon from the WordArt Styles” . You can change the color of the border color, weight, and style of the line.  Select the icon for predefined styles in the same tab.  You can select 3D effects for the text.

ü Text Positioning, Wrapping, rotating:  Select the “Position” icon from the “Arrange” tab and click on one of the options available to place the text.  Select the “Text Wrapping” icon for wrapping the text around the graphic object.  Select the Rotate Icon for rotating the object.

Ø Find and Replace Sentence, Spelling and Grammar, Thesaurus

Find a word :
Click on the Home Menu and select Find from the “Editing” tab.  Click on the Find tab (OR Ctrl+F).
Type a word in the text box provided to find the word.  To see the search options click on the “More” button.
You have options of (a) Match case (b) Find whole words only (c) Use wildcards (d) Sounds like (English), (e)Find all word forms(English), (f) Match prefix, (g) Math suffix (h) Ignore punctuation chars (i) Ignore white space chars.

Finding styles, frames, etc
Click on the Home Menu – Editing – Find – Find- More – Format.  You can find font styles, paragraph styles, language, tabs, frames etc just by selecting the one you need.

Finding Special Chars
Click on the Home Menu – Editing – Find – Find – More – Special.  You can find tabs, spaces, section break, page break etc.  Just select the one you need from the available options.

Finding and Replacing
Click on the Home Menu – Editing – Replace.  You can find the same options for finding text in one text box while another text box is provided to enter the text/special char to be replaced with.
Place the cursor in “Find What” text box.
Select the text style from the available options by check marking the box. 
Select formatting from the “Format” button and special chars from “Special” Button. 

Now place the cursor in the “Replace with” box and select the text options with check box/Format/Special.

Select Replace for the occurrence of the word/char. 
If you like to replace the entire document with all such selections then select “Replace All” button. 
If you like to select one by one occurrence and replace them manually, select “Find Next” button.
Press Cancel button at any point if you decide to quit.

Navigating to the Page/Section.
Select “Home Menu – Editing – find – Goto.  Select the page no/section no etc from the list and click ok. (Ctrl+G).

Working with Table of Contents (Style of text of different levels in a table)

Insert Table of Contents:
Click References Menu – Table of Contents Tab – click on the icon Table of Contents.  Select a style from the predefined styles.  The text is placed in a table and a style is defined by the predefined styles. 
You can replace the given text with the one you need inside the table.

Inserting text in Table of Contents:
To insert Text at different levels (level 1, level 2, level 3), place the cursor in the table, Click on the “Add Text” icon in the Table of Contents tab and select the level of text you need and type the text in the table.
If you directly type the text in the table click on the “update table” icon to update the styles.

Removing Table of Contents
You can remove by selecting the table and clicking on the “Table of Contents” pull down menu and selecting “Remove table of contents” option.

Saving Table of Contents into Gallery
Select the table and click on the pull down menu of Table of Contents tab.  And select “Save selection to table of contents Gallery” option.

Working with Footnotes (Expressed in between words with superscript and explained in detail at bottom)

Inserting a Footnote
Place the cursor at the word which you like to explain in detail.  Click on the “References” menu and select “Insert Footnote” from “Footnotes” tab.  A number with superscript is specified after the word selected and at the bottom of the page, the corresponding number is placed and cursor waits for your explanation of the word.  Enter text.

Navigating Footnotes
When you need to go to next footnote, click “Next Footnote” icon in the “footnotes” tab.
By clicking on the “Show Notes” you will be able to toggle between the notes and the word.

Inserting Endnote
End notes are placed at the end of the document.  The procedure for placing End Notes is same as Footnotes.

Inserting a Cover Page in Doc
Cover page is the first page of the document which gives details of the project written in MS word.
Click “Insert – Pages tab – Cover Page icon”.  Select a style from the options and enter text in the columns provided.
To remove cover page, click “Insert – Pages Tab – Cover page – Remove current cover page”.

Inserting Hyperlink
Hyperlink, when pressed on it will take you to the linked document/web site etc.
Click “Insert Menu – Links Tab – Hyperlink Icon” and from the folder dialogue box enter the file/site you want to go to.  A link will appear at the cursor in red color.  To navigate to the link hold Ctrl key and click on it.  To remove the link select it and press del.
You can also select a word and then link it.  For removing this link rt click on the link and select “remove link” option.

Working with Bookmarks and cross References.
Bookmark is a place in the document which you want to mark to read later or connect/link  to another bookmark.
You can view all the marks in one window so that you can select the one you want to go to.
When two Book marks are linked then it is “Cross Reference”.  Book marks and cross reference are placed in square brackets.

To see the bookmarks “Click Office Button – Word Options – Advanced – under Show Document Content pane check mark the box for “show bookmarks”.

Create Book Mark :  Place the cursor on the word or place and click “Insert Menu -  Link Tab – Bookmark Icon”.  You can give a name to it like First, Sec1 etc. and click “Add”.
To go to bookmark “Click Insert Menu – Links Tab – Bookmark Icon” and click on the bookmark you want to go in the text area and click “Go to”.

Remove Book Mark:  “Click Insert Menu – Links Tab – Bookmark Icon”. Select the bookmark you want to remove and click on “Delete”.

Create Cross Reference
Creating link between two bookmarks/footnote/endnote etc.
First place the cursor on the bookmark you want to link with and click “Insert Menu – Links Tab – Cross Reference Icon”.  Select the type of link in the Reference column (bookmar/footnote/endnote) and select from the existing bookmark etc, and click insert.

To go to the links click on the Bookmark icon from the Links Tab of Insert Menu.

Inserting Text Box
Text box is a box type object to write text in it.
Place the cursor in Document.  Click “Insert  Menu – Text Tab – Text Box Icon”.  Select from the predefined types and click.  If you desire to have a simple Text box of your own size/choice, select “Draw Text Box” icon from the Text Box icon of Text Tab.

Formatting Text Box:  Select the text box first.  Click on the Format Menu,  
Ø In Text Tab 
(a) “Draw a text box” icon for drawing a new text box.  
(b) “Text Direction” icon for changing the text direction in the box.
(c) “Create Link” icon for creating link to another object.

Ø Text Box Styles Tab
(a)         Styles pull down menu for selecting from the predefined styles.
(b)        “Shape Fill”  icon for filling the shape of the text box.
(c)         “Shape Outline” for creating a border of  the text box.
(d)        “Change shape” for changing the given box.

Ø Shadow Effects Tab
(a)         “Shadow Effects” icon for shadow styles and colors.
(b)        Direction icons(← / ↑ /  → / ↓) for moving the shadow of the box in four directions.

Ø 3D Effects
(a)         3D Effects icon for setting predefined styles, color, depth, direction, lighting and surface
(b)         Styles pull down menu for rotating the text box.

Ø Arrange
(a)         Position icon for positioning the text box in the document.
(b)        Text wrapping icon for wrapping text around the text box.
(c)         Rotate icon for rotating the box.
(d)        Align icon for aligning the box.

Ø Size
For setting the sizes of the text box visibility.

Dropping a Big Capital char before para.
Click “Insert Menu – Text Tab – Drop Cap Icon”, after placing the cursor on the paragraph.

Inserting Quick parts
Click “Insert Menu – Text Tab -  Quick parts”,  for inserting document properties like author, comments, company , field, etc.

Inserting Date &Time
Place the cursor on the doc and Click “Insert Menu – Text tab – Date & Time” and select the option by clicking on it. 
Inserting Signature line
Place the cursor on the doc and click “Insert Menu – Text Tab – Signature Line” and press OK.  Enter the text in the pop up window with Name, Designation, etc and press OK.

Inserting Object
Place the cursor on the doc and click “Insert Menu – Text Tab – Object icon” and select “object” or “text from file” options and click on them for placing them.

Inserting Equation
This is a set of predefined equations for helping inserting mathematical equations with ease into word document.
Special Tab appears for formatting the mathematical equations.

word art is a style of text which can be formatted as you desire.
Place the cursor in the doc and Click on the “Insert Menu – Text Tab – Word Art Icon”.  A window with text area pops up. Enter the text in the text area box and click ok.
You can drag the text to make it big or small by holding the corners.

Formatting WordArt
Click on the “format Menu” options are as follows: -

Text Tab
(a)         Edit Text Icon for editing the already entered text.
(b)        Spacing for setting the spacing between the letters.
(c)         Alignment icon for aligning the text left/right/centre etc.
(d)        Abc (direction) icon for making the text vertical/horizontal.
(e)         Aa (height) icon for setting the letters height equally.

Word Art Styles
(a)         Pull down menu for setting the various styles of the wordart text.
(b)        Fill icon for filling the text with color, texture, picture, radiance etc.
(c)         Border Line icon for setting the border line with weight, color, style etc.
(d)        Curves and styles of text  icon for setting the curvature of the text style.

Shadow Effects
(a)         Shadow Effect icon for different shadow styles and colors of shadows.
(b)        Direction icons for setting the shadow of the word art text.

3-D Effect
(a)          3-D Effects icon is a pull down menu for 3D Colors, Depth, direction, lighting, surface, and secondly for setting the rotation of the text in four directions.

(a)          Position for setting the text position within the page, it is predefined layouts
(b)        Text Wrapping icon for wrapping text around the Word Art.
(c)         Align  icon for aligning the text.
(d)        Group icon for grouping all the objects so that the setting is not disturbed.
(e)         Rotate icon for rotating the text in angle.

Size tab is for setting the size of the Word Art text.

Setting Page layout, background and paragraph

Setting Margins for Page
Click “Page Layout Menu – Page Setup Tab – Margins Icon”.  Select a margin set up from the predefined layouts or press “Custom Settings” for setting the Top/Bottom/Left/Right margins.

Setting Orientation
Click “Page Layout Menu – Page Setup Tab – Orientation Icon”, for changing the orientation to Landscape or Portrait.

Setting Columns for text
Click “page layout menu – Page Setup Tab – columns”, for setting multiple columns for the text to appear.  You can set as many as you need.

Applying page, para, section breaks
Click “Page Layout Menu – Page Setup Tab – Breaks icon” for pull down menu of page, column, text wrapping, sections breaks and even page and odd page settings.  Click on the type of break you need.
Applying Line Numbers
Click “Page Layout Menu – Page Setup Tab – Line Numbers Icon” for pull down menu of options with line numbers for continuous, start each page, start each section.  Select “suppress for current page” option for suppression of numbers for the select page( place the cursor in the page you want to suppress).
Click “Line Number options” for setting the line number formats.

Applying Hyphenation
Click “Page Layout – Page Setup tab – Hyphenation icon” for pull down menu for options with manual  and automatic hyphenation.  For setting the hyphenation options click on the Hyphenation Options.

Water marking page
Water mark is a light text/picture which is at the background of the page.
Click “page layout menu – page background tab – watermark icon” for pull down menu of predefined styles.  You can also select “custom Watermark” for water marking as you desire with text/picture. 
You can save to gallery by clicking “Save selection to watermark gallery”. 
You can remove by selecting “remove water mark” option in the pull down menu.

Setting page colors
Click “Page Layout Menu – Page Background tab – Page Color icon” for pull down menu of page predefined colors, standard colors and fill effects for the background.

Setting page Borders
Click “Page Layout Menu – Page Background tab – Page Borders icon” for pull down menu of page border options window.  Select the style, width, and color of the border needed.

Working with Bibiography
While writing a document, especially for research you need to refer to different books, cites and sources.
To place all the references at one place, we use Bibliography, which is a list of references at the end of the document.  Use citation for placing references at end of sentences.  You can manage your sources.  You can also search for bibliography of system.

Inserting Citation
Place the cursor at the end of the sentence and Click References – under Citations & Bibliography tab click on the Insert Citation and enter the details.  If you wish to add placeholder(name ) and then add the sources later press “Add new placeholder”.  Later you can click on the placeholder and add source.

Inserting Bibliography
Place the cursor at the end of the document and click “References – under Citations & Bibliography tab click on “Bibliography” and add a style.

Listing all citations of the system.
Click on References – under Citations & Bibliography tab click on “manage sources”.  You can just add the ref into current document.

Working with Table of Figures
Table of contents is a list of all the figures in the document, generally its listed at the end of the document.
Click on the figure/picture and click “References – Captions tab – Insert Caption.
Place the cursor at the document and click “References – Captions tab – Insert table of figures.
Click on the table of figures ref while holding the ctrl key, to go to the picture.
You can also make a cross reference by clicking on the picture and selecting “Cross – reference”.  You have enter the link as a figure and click ok.

Working with index
Index is a alphabetical ordering of words generally placed at the beginning of the document.
Highlight the word and click “References – under Index tab press Mark Entry.
In this way mark few entries.
Place the cursor at the place, generally at the beginning or ending of the document, click References – Index – click Insert Index.  Then click update Index if needed.  You can see the words/headings placed in an alphabetical order.

Mail merge is used to send same letter to many people with different addresses and related fields.
A data base of list of names and addresses etc is used to connect to the letter/envelope/labels.
You are allowed to sort, filter, and set queries from the database and even select individual names/addresses to send the mails/letters etc.

One way is to follow the “Step by Step wizard” offered by the office 2007.  For doing this click “Mailings – and under Start Mail Merge tab click on “Start Mail Merge” icon and select “step by step mail merge wizard.  Before starting enter data by clicking on “Type new List” from Select Recipients pull down menu.

Creating Envelopes Individually
Click “Mailings Menu – Create Tab – Envelopes Icon”. 
Step 1:
 Type address for delivery in “Delivery Address” text area.  Type “from Address” in the “Return Address” text area.

Step 2 :
Select the size of the envelope, Delivery address font and Return Address font by clicking  ”Options Button – on “Envelop Options” tab. 

Step 3 :
Select the Feeding sources, Face up/down by clicking “Options Button”  on  “Printing Options” tab.

Click on “Add to Document” to view the envelope in the document style.

Creating Labels Individually
Click “Mailings Menu – Create Tab – Labels Icon”.
Step 1, 2, 3 remain the same.

Adding Comments
First select the word/phrase to be commented out. Click on Review Menu – under Comments Tab select “New Comment”.   Repeat whenever you need to comment out the word/phrase.
To go to the previous comment click on “Previous” on Comments tab.
To go to the Next comment click on “Next” on Comments tab.

Track changes
Tracking changes is a concept of knowing the latest corrections made in the given document.  When a document is drafted by an author it goes for editing to other senior/author etc.  For enabling changes made to the document to be visible we use this track changes.

Before starting editing a document first start the tracker.  To do this Click “Review Menu – Tracking Tab – Track changes Icon”.
Start making the changes one by one.  You can change tracking options like colors etc by clicking on Track changes Icon of Tracking Tab and select “Change Tracking options” option.  Select your desired options from the list.  You can also change the user name by clicking “Track Changes” and selecting “change user name”.  then enter the author name.

You can have vertical/horizontal Revisions pane which appear on left side.  Changes and author are given side by side.

Now go to the first change.  You can Click “Accept” on Changes Tab to accept the given change.
You can click “Reject”  to reject the given change.  For navigation use “Previous” and “Next” buttons.

Comparing Documents
This feature is generally meant for knowing the changes made to any original documents.
First create a document type some matter in the document and save it as a file.
Secondly open the same document and make some changes and “Save As” (ie copy) the file.
Click “Review Menu – Compare Tab – Compare Icon.  Enter the first document as the original file and second document as the one which you copied and modified. Press ok. 
A new window will be opened showing in balloons the changes you made to the document.

Protecting a Document
You can restrict Access or stop others from formatting and editing the document with this option.
Click “Review Menu – Protect tab – Protect Document Icon”. 
Click on “Restrict formatting and editing” option for restriction of formatting/editing.
Click on “Restricted Access” for restricting access to the document.
For performing all these tasks Information Restriction Management (IRM) should be installed in the MS Office.

Document Viewing Layouts
Same document can be viewed in different view styles.  Click View Menu and under Document views
Click “Print layout” icon for print layout.
Click “Full Screen Reading” icon for full screen layout.
Click “Web Layout” icon for web style viewing .
Click “Outline” icon for Outline view.  Click “close Outline view” icon to close it.
Click “Draft” icon for draft style viewing.

Click View Menu – Show/Hide Tab and select “Ruler” for viewing ruler.
Select Gridlines for seeing the gridlines.
Select Document Map for displaying details of the document on the lt pane.
Select Tumbnails for seeing pages as icon on the left pane.

Zooming Page view
You can zoom the given document at desired size, fit to page, two pages at a time etc.
Click on View Menu – Zoom Tab – and select the desired icon.

Arranging windows
Creating different windows of the same document to view different sections.
Click “view Menu – Window Tab “. 
Select “New Window” for opening a new window of the same document. 
Select “Arrange All” to tile all the programs of windows side by side.
Select “Split” to split the current window into two windows and cascading.

To navigate to different open windows Click View Menu – Windows Tab – Switch Windows” and select the window you want to go to.

Macros  are used to do a certain job, which we may require to do  repeatedly like creating a text box, tables, styles etc.

Click on the “View Menu – Macro Tab “ and select “record macro”.  Click on Keyboard and set shortcut key and assign.  Click on Stop Recording for stopping the macro.
Use the key combination for repeating the task.

Click on the “View Menu – Macro Tab “ and select “record macro”.  Click on mouse under “Customize Quick Access toolbar” select the document to be in effect.  Choose commands from dialog box and click add and OK. Then stop recording by clicking “stop recording”. 
Click on the macro button on quick access to check the macro.

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