Friday, August 31, 2012


·Is a scripting language created by Netscape.
·Javascript is emeded betn<script>...........</script> HTMl tags.
·Embedded in to an html document because javascript uses the file name .html and the http protocal to transport it self from the web server to the clint's browser wher the javascript executes and processes client Information.
·Only a browser that is javascript enable will be able to interpret javascript code.       
Javascript in web page
·There is a definite need to allow users browsing thre a web site to actually interact with the web site.
·The website must be intelligent enough to accept uscrs input and dynamically structure web page  content.
Writing javascript into html
·<script language="javascript"> document.write("<title> this is my first script page </title>")</script></head>
       <body><script language="javascript"> document.write("<br>")</script></body>

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Dynamic HTML

DHTML is a new and emerging technology that has evolved eye catching and mind catching web sites. DHTML combines HTML with Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) and Scripting Language.

Style Sheet:
A style sheet is a list of style rules that describe the style and appearance of an html document. Styles are used in a webpage to control the font size, color, etc. The Style assignment process is accomplished with the <STYLE> …</STYLE> tags. The <STYLE> …</STYLE> tags are written with in the <HEAD> …</HEAD> tags. You can group more than one style rule using the <style>……</style>tag pair unlike of applying it individually in inline Style. Each of these tags when used in the BODY of HTML code will apply the style rules. 
Style rule:-A style rule is a set of html tags specifying the formatting element. Style rule can be applied to selected contents of a webpage.
Style rules can be divided into two parts.
Ø Selector:-A selector is a string that identifies what elements the corresponding rule applies to and is the first part of the rule.
Ø Declaration:-This part of the rule is enclosed within curly brackets. A declaration has two sections separated by a colon. The section before the colon is the property and the one after the colon is the value of that property.
Selector {property: value}
Selector=any html tag  without angular brackets.
Property=attributes like font color, font size etc.
Value=settings  for the attribute
E.g. H2 {color: red}
H2 is the selector, color: red is the declaration, color is the property and red is the value.
In the <STYLE> tags, the expression type=text/css indicates that the style sheet confirms to css syntax. 

There are three types of Style Sheet:
a.     Inline style sheet
b.    Embedding  style sheet
c.     Contextual selectors

About Html

HTML (Hypertext Markup language) is a language used to develop web pages. Hypertext means a special text that works as a link and markup means way of writing layout information within document. The extension of HTML is ‘.htm’ or ‘.html’. It is created using a simple text editor. HTML tags are not case sensitive.
Web Page:
          A web page is a file containing web information.
Web Site:
          A web site is a collection of web pages.
Web Browser:
A web browser is a special type of program through which we can view our web pages. There are several programs in this category available on the market. The two most popular are Netscape Navigator and Microsoft Internet Explorer.
Web Server:
          A web server is a computer where web pages are stored.

The World Wide Web used following technologies:
Þ       HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) →Write web page
Þ       HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol) →Transmit those pages
Þ       FTP (File Transfer Protocol) →Transferring web pages.

Tags are identified by the <> or </> signs. The commands themselves are specified between the <> signs. In the case of tags which need to enclose text, the ending tag should include the slash (/) to indicate the end of the tag.
There are two types to tag:
Empty tag – no need to close tag <P>, <BR>,<IMG>,<INPUT>
Non-empty tag – has to be closed <HTML>……….</HTML>

Tags can have attributes. Attributes can provide additional information about the HTML elements on your page. Attributes are always added to the start tag of an HTML element. 

Attributes of Body Tag

        Bgcolor = background color of the body
        Background = background image of the body
        Bgproperties = fixed (for no scrolling the background)
        Text = text color of the body
<body bgcolor=”color name” background= “path of imagename with extension” bgproperties =“fixed” text=”color name”>

<body bgcolor="america" background=”file:///Z:/bg.jpg” bgproperties=fixed text="red">

Font set and Alignment:
<font> welcome </font>
<font size=“1” color=“Black” Face=“Arial”> text </font>

Left à <P Align=“left”>
Right  à <P Align=“right”>
Center  à <P Align=“center”>
Justify  à <P Align=“Justify”>

(Color Name) Some color in Hexadecimal value:
Red à#FF0000                Black à #000000
Dark Blue à #000080      Green à #00FF00
Gray à #808080              Yellow à # FFFF0
Blue à #0000FF               Dark Red à #800000
Magenta à #FF00FF                 White à #FFFFFF
Dark Green à #008000   Cyan à #00FFFF

Basic Syntax For Making Webpage.


private blog networks

The word on the “digital streets” in February was that blog networks were getting heavily Dexedrine by Google. There have been a lot of these private blog networks popping up on the market and a lot of people got stung on the 7-9th and 18-21st of February. Since 2004 we have been buying domains and websites. Now we have over 400 domains. We compete in small micro-niches as well as the largest industries such as electronics and toys . private blog network   We monetize through direct advertising, Ad sense, CPA, Amazon, and we’re members at over 22 affiliate companies. We are local market experts with over 75 top 10 local rankings cities throughout the US. We don’t say this to brag, but to show you that we’re experienced and know what we’re doing.It is no surprise, either, as the ranking rewards from a blast on a few of these networks was, and still is, netting people great results. The problem? Your SERPs are getting bombarded by thin affiliate sites that most likely should have no business ranking where they do. We all know by now that Google’s algorithm was built on links and that there is no shortage of places to buy obscene amounts of them.

Sunday, August 26, 2012


Marketing is demand management. it simulates demand for products. It helps organizations to understand what their customers want. It helps to decide what products should be offered to satisfy their wants.
Marketing is concerned not only with attracting customers but also with retaining customers. Value attracts customers . Satisfaction retains customers. Marketing is carried on long after the customers has brought the product. ( Link building service )  It aims to develop long term relationships to keep the customers satisfied and loyal.
According to American marketing Association
Marketing is the process of planning and executing the conception ,pricing,promotion and distribution of ideas, goods and services to create exchanges that satisfy individual and organizational goals.